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There is no doubt that a renovation project can become quite stressful. Because lets face it, there are so many decisions, so many things that can go wrong and so little time around your work and life commitments to pull it off. Rather than waiting for the stress to build up I wanted to share some ways that you can prevent it from happening in the first place… or at least help you manage it so you don’t lose your marbles!

So many people come to me last minute in a panic, desperate for me to help them at the final hour. And as much as I love to help, I always wish they asked for my help much earlier to guide them through the process better. Rushed last minute decisions never end up the best ones and from experience it almost always ends up in regret!

Lowering stress levels during your renovation is so important because when you are stressed, decision making becomes so much harder. Planning ahead and getting an expert on board early on will help keep stress levels at bay and give you confidence that you are making the right decisions.

House architects, Natalie holden interiors

Catherine, House Architects with her clients

I’ve curated three useful tips from Catherine at House Architects and she shares advice on how you can reduce stress to ensure your project doesn’t drive you insane:

  1. Research – Make sure you research the professionals you are engaging to take care of your project, from your architect to your builder. Going with the cheapest quote isn’t necessarily going to get you the best service! Make sure you also check that the person you’re engaging for architectural advice is actually an architect. You’d be surprised how many people who advertise ‘architectural’ services aren’t actually architects. You can check if you’re dealing with an architect by checking the Architects Registration Board (ARB).
  2. Preparation Prepare your living arrangements before the renovation takes place. If you’re living in a building site for 6 months this can be stressful as it disrupts your normal routines. Make sure you organise what you’re going to do about meals once your kitchen has been ripped out (!), and make sure the building work is phased in such a way so that you always have some space to live in during the works
  3. Expectation – Manage your expectations. Expect some hiccups and setbacks during the renovation. This way, when a problem or challenge occurs you’re totally prepared for it, after all you were expecting it! There are many things out of your control during a building project, weather, economy, late deliveries etc. and it’s almost never a straight journey from A to B, but if you can remember that this is normal during a build or renovation then you can deal with things with a level head when unexpected hiccups arise!

If you’re planning to start a renovation project this year and need interior design assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Categories: interior design, Tips & Advice

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