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Team NHI talk all about sustainable living.

Earlier last month, Team NHI got together to discuss ways that we can do more to tackle one of our company values: sustainability. Little did we know that we had all already made small changes over the last year to live more sustainably.

I think we’ll all have heard by now that the best way to make large-scale environmental change is for everyone to make a few small changes in their daily lives. But we understand that this can be a daunting thought, especially if it’s not always clear actually what living sustainably means.

Flat lay of a nail brush, soap, and toothbrush
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Essentially, the premise is that ‘we prioritize the use of natural and renewable resources instead of creating excess waste and depleting environmental resources for future generations.

Living more sustainably doesn’t need to be drastic, sometimes it can just consist of a change in your routine or habits.

So, we wanted to let you know some of our favourite sustainable brands and products to hopefully give you inspiration for quick and easy changes that you can make in your home too! Sharing is caring after all! Continue reading for Team NHI’s recommendations:

Natalie’s Sustainable Living Recommendations

  • My next sustainable swap: We are looking into taking advantage the Green Homes Grant to upgrade from single glazing to double glazing, which will reduce energy use overall. Read our recent blog post to find out more about the Green Homes Grant.
  • Sustainable gift idea: Wearth London is an online company that sell lots of different eco friendly gifts. I bought lots of gifts from there this Christmas!
  • Sustainable goal for 2021: I am already working with some clients who are aiming to renovate more sustainably however this year I’d love to increase this number as people are becoming more receptive to the idea.
  • Favourite sustainability Instagram account: @lukslinen


  • Most recent sustainable swap: Ocean Saver cleaning products which saves us from having to buy a new plastic bottle every time we run out of cleaning products.
  • Favourite sustainable brand: Who Gives A Crap. Who doesn’t love a good toilet roll subscription? Completely recyclable packaging – tick! Colourful and fun – tick! Delivered to the door – tick!
  • My next sustainable swap: Smol laundry products.
  • Sustainable gift idea: Beach Clean coasters which are made from recycled plastic collected from beaches.
  • Sustainable goal for 2021: Eat a vegan/vegetarian diet for at least 4 days per week. I was doing pretty well at eating a plant-based diet up until lockdown struck – it’s time to reassess!

Imprint Magazine was established last year as an online platform for all things sustainability. As well as their new articles which are published every weekend, you can also sign up to their weekly newsletter to find out the team’s other recommendations for the week ahead. Plus, they are always open to pitches!


  • Favourite sustainable shop: Form Lifestyle Store – A small scale boutique in Manchester’s NQ that sources its beautifully curated homeware and lifestyle products from local artisans and companies promoting the idea of slow living and custom ordering quality products for longevity. You can also find them on Instagram: @formlifestylestore
  • Sustainable goal 2021: Buy less and buy better. Sustainability comes in many forms and although I can’t promise to never buy new again I do want to be much more considered in what im buying and how long it will last. I’m also trying to move away from “fast fashion” within clothing and homeware and buy more classic, quality pieces that I love and isn’t trend led.
  • Most recent sustainable swap: Disposable make up remover pads. I’ve always washed my face instead of using wipes but on occasion an eye make up remover pad is necessary for that tough water proof mascara, however I have stopped using disposable pads and have swapped to the bamboo reusable version.

We hope that our sustainable living recommendations have provided you with some fresh ideas and inspiration which you may be able to adopt in your home! As always, our DMs are always open for any suggestions that you think we’ve missed!

To find out more about our company values and services head over to our website. To see more of what we get up to week in and week out, give us a follow over on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Categories: Inspiration, Sustainable Products, Uncategorized

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